We are an activist organization fighting for equality, anti-fascism and freethought!

We don't believe in a literal Satan, rather we use Satan as a metaphor of rebellion against the oppression of ourselves and others.

As our nation becomes more progressive and diverse, the rich and bigoted have become concerned and are trying to re-assert their dominance over us. Well-funded hate groups like The Heritage Foundation are now trying to force the Ten Commandments into public schools, erasing LGBTQ+ people from government and restricting the rights of women to their bodily autonomy.

We are here to shut down their agenda and re-enforce the rights of everyone to coexist together!

The 8 Orders

(our Ten Commandments 😈)


Respect those who earn it; never waste it on those who don't.


Good trouble is necessary for real change.


Bodily autonomy is sacred—violate it at your own peril.


Others' freedoms are non-negotiable—disrespect them, and you disrespect your own.


Trust science, not superstition or blind faith.


Own your mistakes, and fix the damage you've caused.


Respect nature, or face the consequences.


Live hard, improve constantly, and never lose sight of who you are.

What is Satanism?

We don't believe in a literal Satan. Rather, Satan is a metaphor for rebellion against tyranny and blind faith, while promoting personal liberty and equality.

We also don't engage in sacrifices or believe in anything supernatural, as those are stereotypes that churches have used keep their members afraid of outsiders for generations.

In Satanism, instead of worshipping a god, you are YOUR OWN god. When we say "Hail Satan!", we're saying "Hail Me!" or "Hail Thyself!". We make sure to take care for ourselves, while helping and caring for those we believe deserve it and refusing to waste love on those who don't.


Unlike many organized religions, we support every sexuality and gender-identity. Everyone has the right to exist, use the bathroom that matches their gender-identity, get into relationships, get married and be sexually involved together as consenting adults!


Even the founders believed in the separation of church and state, meaning the church cannot influence the government and the government cannot influence the church. However, organized religion wants to force their beliefs onto everyone, pushing the Ten Commandments and mandated prayer into public schools and government.

America must remain a secular nation to ensure everyone is represented and treated equally!


Since we are the gods of this world, it is our responsibility to maintain it. We must engage in good trouble to maintain equality, protection of nature and prevention of fascism!

We say "Satan is our best weapon against facsism" because Satanism, like Christianity, is a protected religion. We have deeply-held beliefs that can not be discriminated against by Christian nationalist governments. Satanic symbols are very powerful, causing zealots to worry about allowing religion to control government, as it will give their interpetation of Satan control as well.


We believe heavily in Order III "Bodily autonomy is sacred—violate it at your own peril". Women must have easy access to abortion whenever they want. No one has the right to dictate what people choose to do with their own bodies!


Whether you want to dye/restyle your hair, get tattoos, piercings, wear face masks or hoods, etc. We believe in self-expression through harmless means and use Satan as our weapon against those preventing us from expressing ourselves!


Religious groups will frequently attack the idea of sex and lust, in order to shame and control their people. However, we believe in embracing our sexuality and letting out our desires. Whether it's by yourself, or with a consenting individual, you can engage in your desires without fear!

How can I join?

Go to this page to apply!


Do I have to be a Satanist to join?

Nope. As long as you agree with The 8 Orders and our missions, you can join!

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What are the benefits of joining?

Becoming a TSC member gives you notifications about upcoming events, protests, and rituals. You also gain the religious protections of TSC Satanists in every U.S state. See those protections here!

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Are there any age-restrictions?

Nope. Any age can join The Satanic Circle and become a Satanist if they choose to. However, the age to participate in rituals can range from 13-18+ based on the material!


Who will know I'm a member?

Your data is safe with us and Fourthwall (this site's host), as we don't share our members list with anyone!


I want to sell my soul and sacrifice goats to Satan.

Look elsewhere, we don't do that shit!