Charlie Hebdo Attack Remembrance Day (Jan. 7)

Remembering the horrific religiously-motivated attack on Charlie Hebdo. We use this day to discuss religiously-motivated violence, the importance of satire and freedom of speech!

IMBOLC (Feb. 1-2)

Imbolc celebrates the transition of winter into spring, encouraging spring cleaning and finally leaving your lairs as the cold temperatures vanish!

Founding Day (Feb. 8)

Celebrating the day of The Satanic Circle's founding!

Lupercalia (Feb. 15)

Based on the Roman festival of the same name, Lupercalia is about celebrating bodily automony and sexual freedom with yourself, or other consenting adults!

REVERSE LENT (start of Holy Week)

From the beginning of Reverse Lent, to the start of Easter, we look for something to do more of. Whether it's indulging more in an activity, or finding away to improve yourself!

ALL SNAKES DAY (Mar. 17th)

On the day of St. Patrick's Day, we celebrate All Snakes Day to celebrate diversity and inclusion of spiritual faiths by making our presence to the world clear in fun ways!

Hexennacht (Apr. 30)

Hexennacht is a day to remember those who fell victim to the Salem Witch Trials, while acknowledging modern witch hunts that continue today!


A day where we celebrate sex workers for their service and hard work, while discussing the issues they go through and how we can help them!

Litha (Jun. 20-22)

Taking place during the longest day of the year, we celebrate the warmth and power of the sun by enjoying the outdoors. Whether it's picnics, barbeques or bonfires, enjoy the sunlight however you wish!

National Coming Out Day (Oct. 11)

National Coming Out Day is a celebration of our sexuality and gender-identities. Everyone in the closet is encouraged to come out, if it's safe!

Halloween (Oct. 31)

Halloween is a celebration full of candy, costumes and parties. Everyone is encouraged to dress how you want, embrace the darkness, have fun and face your fears!

Yule (Dec. 21 - Jan. 1)

A long celebration of life and our transition into the new year. Make delicious foods, create a bonfire with the biggest logs and party with the people who made this year amazing for you!


As Satanism encourages you to hail thyself, your own birthday is a holiday!